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Edward Snowden: The Hegelian Dialectic

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
The preponderance of the evidence suggests who did it. Those who did it have made their beliefs very well known.

Why even try to call it a false flag at this point? Americans have shown their apathy toward these wayward tourists taking social media pictures on the Capitol. No need to shift blame.

Who are the ‘Illuminati’? Where do these mysterious overlords live? How do they plan such elaborate schemes without detection? Only a select few seem to be onto their intrigues. I want in on the action.
gmase, don't encourage him. If we ignore him he might go to greener pastures. Maybe.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
gmase, don't encourage him. If we ignore him he might go to greener pastures. Maybe.
I am not encouraging. I really want to know where these people live and meet. They have so much power to control completely random and self-serving events, they are godlike in their mastery. Who said god is dead?

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
I am not encouraging. I really want to know where these people live and meet. They have so much power to control completely random and self-serving events, they are godlike in their mastery. Who said god is dead?
Didn't your Mother tell you about ignoring someone and he will go away? Hasn't worked with The Donald so far but Hope springs eternal (It's her best feature)


Baconsalt > WTC7
The overall purpose of any false flag (Hegelian) agenda is ultimately the creation of a fascist dictatorship
New World Fascism: The Plague Of The Walking Dead

“Truth, Compassion & Tolerance Is Illegal In China...”
- Former Chinese Gov’t Official

"Under the Chinese communist/fascist regime, we have no will. We are no longer human, instead, we are like the walking dead..Moving flesh with no heart, and no soul..."
- Former Chinese Gov’t Official



Baconsalt > WTC7
I am not encouraging. I really want to know where these people live and meet. They have so much power to control completely random and self-serving events, they are godlike in their mastery. Who said god is dead?

Luke 12:10
Verse Concepts

"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him."

Most here have chosen their destiny, but for those others, meet your Demonic Masters:

Ex- Master Mason Police Officer's testimony

Know that the "15 minutes" all inclusive living complexes springing up all around the country are meant to be future "lockdown" slave camps. All necessities are offered within a 15 min radius of your residence, so you have no excuse to leave. (I do not condone, nor denounce, any statement or allegations regarding any, past , or present, political and/or governmental figures made in any of these videos.)

This year, 2023, is the anniversary year of Yale Skull & Bones 322. False flag mass shootings, and celebrity sacrificial deaths will be excessive.

There have been more mass shootings than days in 2023​


The masonic law of karmic duality dictates that the demonic minions responsible for these crimes, have to tell you what they are doing to preserve karmic balances.

The numerological language of Gematria is the main form of Masonic Occult communications. If you understand this language, and the language of demonic symbology, then you will always know who is doing the crime, and why.

For instance, in the recent Nashville shooting. The school address was 33, indicating masonic involvement, and the shooter was transgender, indicating a Baphomet and Moloch child sacrifice in furtherance of the NWO genderless slave agenda.

But understand that while these sacrifices have particular significance to the these Occultists, they also act as false-flag diversions to keep your attention away from what they are really doing in the world. The basic masonic trick of having you focus on what they have in their right-hand, while they stab you in the back with the concealed knife that they have in the left-hand.

The end game for mass-shootings is to further de-sensitize you to violence. And to un-arm you thru gun control, in furtherance of male effeminacy, and human control for slavery, and de-population.

The end game for celebrity murders is blood sacrifices for more power, and also to create fear and intimidation in the masses, and masonic initiates.



Baconsalt > WTC7
New World Fascism: The Plague Of The Walking Dead : Part 2

Horse Revelations

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”​

― Maya Angelou


*Ignore the apologist disclaimer at the end. Grain prices are merely a symbolic representation of the long- term effects of severe inflation.

The Satanists are constantly telling you who they are, and what they are about. They have told you that Fox News is fake right-wing propaganda, Trump is a fake fascist demonic puppet, and that Republican judicial appointees are the lap dogs for the fascist elite. Believe what they are telling you. Vote for substantive political issues (environment, education, social rights and equalities), NOT fake political personas, and divisive rhetoric.

The excessive inflation in the world today is caused by them to destroy you, and help bring forth the New World Anti-Christ. Understand that all these sad Devil nuts know is hatred and lies. So Know your bible, Know your enemies, and Know yourself. So that you, and your family may live to fight another day.



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The excessive inflation in the world today is caused by them to destroy you, and help bring forth the New World Anti-Christ. Understand that all these sad Devil nuts know is hatred and lies. So Know your bible, Know your enemies, and Know yourself. So that you, and your family may live to fight another day.
If inflation is meant to bring forth the anti-Christ, why didn’t the anti-Christ come after previous inflationary cycles? This cycle is certainly not as bad as previous ones. Also, which country’s inflation rate is taken into account on the anti-Christ’s schedule?

At one point, deflation was thought to be an evil.

So many conflicting signs.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Speaking of Snowden 2.0...
How does a 21 year old get US Top Secret clearance?


Baconsalt > WTC7
NWO Fascist Agenda: Twitter & The Destruction Of World-Wide Free Speech Discourse

“…Elon Musk is running Twitter into the ground like Donald Trump ran the US government – fueled by fits of indignation and paranoia…”


This is for the “go along to get along crew" of celebrities, and wanna-be celebrities, burying your head in the sand, doing whatever you’re told, just so you can try to stay relevant on the world stage in some capacity. Fascists want to shut down societal discourse, and make all people brainless sexually homogenous passive cowardly slaves. There is no need for celebrities of any kind in this endgame scenario, only slaves and handlers. And guess which one you are... lololol


No Twitter means limited, to no, real-time public discourse, and a much more limited amount of exposure for public figures. FB And IG are not an equivalent option, and you know it. There is no real governmental regulation, or oversight of Twitter, consequently, Elon Musk can basically do whatever he wants.. So now you have an Idiot fascist clone puppet running your Twitter platform into the ground…on purpose, for the elitists.

And where can you run to complain?…, who can you call?…nobody, because you weren’t there for anybody else who needed help. So now you’re stuck….a public figure, with no public presence.

Make no mistake, Twitter is the first to go because its under American control, but Tik-Tok faces the same threats.

You guys have spent so much time cowardly following demonic orders, and digging your own graves,,,so You Might as well get to lie in them for awhile…And this is what you sold your soul for!?!? In the words of the great D’Angelo," How does it feel?”.



Baconsalt > WTC7
There is no need for celebrities of any kind in this endgame scenario

Character Assassinations


U.K. Actors Union Equity to Support SAG-AFTRA Strike by ‘All Lawful Means’

They Don't Even Need J.Lo To Be Alive To Make This Commercial

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, ..."

Romans 1:18-32


Quiet ass celebrity sellouts, not so quiet when it’s they ass roastin' on the grill lololol... Shit is about to get real tho', because if SAG/WGA doesn’t win, actors can almost totally be replaced, by A.I., and clones, within 10 years.​

You better hope they don’t start that body-double shit like they did with Jamie Foxx, or them fools is already screwed.

Jamie Foxx’s Body Double Takes His Place On Set While Actor Remains In Hospital



James 1:17

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."



Baconsalt > WTC7
I think most people, regardless of political affiliations, do take any health crisis the magnitude of COVID seriously. But what people don't like is the rush to judgement by the media to state that the vaccines are safe for everybody in the entire world, when there are clearly some adverse side-effects, and some people are dying after taking it.

In the United States, it takes an average of 12 to 15 years for an experimental vaccine drug to travel from the laboratory to your medicine cabinet. That is, if it makes it. The COVID vaccines were fast-tracked in 6 months for the pandemic, but any lethal side-effects, and adverse long term effects are just starting to be identified.

So for the media to advocate pushing these injections on anyone, especially developing small children, is dangerous and irresponsible, Especially since these drug companies allege that they cannot be held legally liable for deaths associated with their vaccine.

SHOCKING: Covid Vaccine Injury Claims IGNORED By Government, Big Pharma SHIELDED

Last edited:


Baconsalt > WTC7
Black Horse Revelations:
Sad Visions & Prophetic Fruitions (Part1)


The Beginning Effects Of Severe Artificial Inflation On The World's Economies

*Ignore the apologist disclaimer at the end. Grain prices are merely a symbolic representation of the long- term effects of severe inflation.

The Satanists are constantly telling you who they are, and what they are about. They have told you that Fox News is fake right-wing propaganda, Trump is a fake fascist demonic puppet, and that Republican judicial appointees are the lap dogs for the fascist elite. Believe what they are telling you. Vote for substantive political issues (environment, education, social rights and equalities), NOT fake political personas, and divisive rhetoric.

The excessive inflation in the world today is caused by them to destroy you, your culture, and your way of life. To make you broken penniless Demonic slaves, and help bring forth the New World Anti-Christ. Understand that all these sad Devil nuts know is hatred and lies. So Know your bible, Know your enemies, and Know yourself. So that you, and your family may live to fight another day.

LA California

2024 Gas Prices: Highest in Recorded History
(Double what it was just 2 years ago)


LA California
Destruction of the Cultural and Artistic Center Of The World

Working Homeless Families living in RVs that line up for miles.

The Bay Area (San Francisco & Oakland)

Seattle, WA

😨This Could be You!😨


Phoenix, AZ



But um yeah...That's all I have space for in this post. But, this is just the beginning for this topic. There is much more Black Horse Revelations to come in the future!

And As Always...Thanks for all the Love, Thanks for all the Support....and I'm Out!✌️

"But by the grace of God I am what I am:
And his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain;
But I labored more abundantly than them all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me."

1 Corinthians 15:10
